Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Announcing: Brand New Medical Assistant Website!

I know! I know!

There already are hundreds of websites dedicated to medical assistants on the Web...

However, we just had to add one more.

A completely redesigned "Advanced Medical Assistant of America" dedicated to the medical assistant has been launched to the Web on 07 July 2008.

We can never have enough medical assistant websites. Read about:
  1. Medical Assistant Training
  2. Medical Assistant Schools
  3. Medical Assistant Certifications
And more!


Ryan G said...

An interesting tidbit effecting the Medical Assitant trade is that due to baby-boomer retirements and an aging population has put more pressure on the healthcare field. This has also created a need for more healthcare workers, including Medical Assistant.In a recent study by the Imagine America Foundation found that career college programs play an integral role in training future health management professionals, graduating students who are able to fill 51 percent of the 9,000 annual employer demand for medical and health service managers. To find out more about this study go to www.imagine-america.org .

Anonymous said...

I really do agree with the other comments on this topic. I wnat to thank you for sharing your information and i love the site! Our son was born with esophageal atresia soim always looking for information or new information on that.