Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is the Medical Assistant Degree Better than the Diploma?

Should You go for the medical assistant diploma or is it better to aim for the medical assistant associate degree?

Prospective medical assistant students often ask: "Is it better to have a medical assistant degree or is a medical assistant diploma good enough to find a good job?"

From my experience, and many seasoned medical assistants agree, a medical assistant diploma is not necessarily the key to better pay or faster promotions. Reality is, most doctors and practicing health care providers don't care whether their medical assistant has a degree or diploma. Their main concern is to have a medical assistant that can do the job well and pay only as much as they have to in wages.

If a medical assistant with a diploma can do the same job as their counterpart with a degree that's good enough for the doctor, however, a medical assistant with a degree has the advantage when it comes to additional education. Some of the earned college credits for courses can be transferred and applied toward a higher or different degree, such as, for example nursing (RN). And THAT is where the time and money spent on the medical assistant degree will be well worth it.

So, now that you know the most important difference between going for a medical assistant diploma vs. a medical assistant degree continue your research about qualified medical assistant certifications.

To learn more about the medical assisting career and what a medical assistant does please visit Medical Assistant Net on the Web.

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