Monday, February 20, 2006

Online Medical Assistant Programs

Subject: Online MA Programs
Name: Lisa
Date Posted: Feb 9, 06 - 6:30 PM
Credential or Professional Title: CNA

Hello my name is Lisa and I was wondering if anyone knows about 100% online training programs. I am thinking of a college in CA and I live in MN. I checked out the website, accreditations, finacial aid office, and even spoke to a addmissions counselor. Everything is great but I am bit unsure if I can do all the hands on part online. My externship will be 10 weeks long and that is where I will get my hands on training. I would like some feed back on this info. My class starts next week!!!! Thanks Lisa

Re: Online MA Programs
Name: Tracy
Date Posted: Feb 9, 06 - 6:47 PM
Credential or Professional Title: CMA/ RMA/ CNA

I don't see how you can do it completely online. How can you learn venipuncture? Dressing changes, EKG's injections, without practicing on a real person? I can see the theory courses being online, but not the clinical portion.

Just remember: online training providers, non-traditional universities, and so called virtual colleges that offer distance learning programs have different accreditation standards than brick-and-mortar universities, colleges, and vocational training institutions. They may be great courses for many but always make sure they meet your specific goals!

Use Common Sense!
It is always prudent before joining any online programs to get in touch with the provider of the courses to ask questions. One should also contact the accrediting organization to find out whether a program is truly legitimately accredited by them, and to confirm the quality of the online training courses.

Online Programs:
One important aspect to consider when selecting an online learning program is the school's reputation. The school must be honest and credible in their dealings with the public, have a clean record, and should be accredited and approved by the right organization!

Online courses are seldom accredited, or approved by the board of education and unless they truly have met or exceed established national standards. The application process for reviews and approval is tedious and lengthy. Only the best achieve accreditation!

Those institutions who went through the process and are approved will always have their program's accreditation status visibly posted on their Web site and online course catalogs.

Awareness is the Key!
It is the presence of a number of certain features taken together that should signal to students that they may be dealing with a “mill.”

Web page advertisements that contain text, images, seals, and any profound sounding designations to proclaim that a school and their programs are accredited may contain words such as approved, accredited, accreditation pending, authorized, chartered, licensed, empowered, sponsored, recognized, and registered. Web sites that feature such ads should be critically examined to determine whether these claims are merely common catch phrases, or the assertions are legit.

Those whose goal is proper vocational training to receive a much desired promotion, or to achieve educational goals that will allow them advance into a new position or career must graduate from courses that are accredited not just by any, but by the RIGHT organization.

To learn more about educational requirements, and practical tips for handling emergencies, and proper documentation visit Medical Assistant Net on the Web. There is lots of additional "scope of practice for medical assistants" info at that web site.

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