Monday, November 21, 2005

Medical Assistant Career Boost

Medical Assistant:
Give your career a boost! Get certified.

Someone has just posted a new entry in our Medical Assistant NET Forum.

The message was posted by James.
Subject: Re: Rma exam
Credential or Professional Title: RMA/BMO

Message: I took the RMA exam, and found that it was rather easy. I purchased a study guide, and also used my notes from school to supplement. I scored a 99%. As far as my experience goes, my exam focused ALOT on lab, anatomy, and surgical assisting. Some of the questions were: -order of draw -what tubes are used for specific tests -how many bones/muscles in the human body, diagrams of bones (asking you to indicate the name of a specific part of the bone--e.g. "where is the olecronon process of the humerus?") -diagrams of surgical instruments ("which is the sponge forcept?"), and sterile field questions. Study your A&P, most commonly prescribed meds, surgical assisting and lab notes... and you'll be fine.

I bought J.P. Cody's 'Review for CMA and RMA Exams'. It came with software for practice testing. The questions on the practice test were very similar to the actual RMA (it even comes with the same scoring method used for the exams...a nd gives you insight into what your strengths and weaknesses are). Hope this helps


What's the difference between being certified and being registered?
None. There is no difference between the two. Some people/companies say they are certified, and others they say they are registered. It's the same thing! Whoever is registered is also certified.

Why can being certified be a barrier when it comes to employers to hire? No matter how well trained, experienced, and knowledgeable you are in your field -- most employers who hire believe that health care professionals who are not certified are not skilled and motivated enough, or have an attitude problem, and they might not fully meet their needs.
When doctors hire medical assistants the stakes are very high. Their livelihood depends on a well functioning medical office and staff. As they review an application and notice the lack of certified credentials their first reaction is doubt. They wonder, does this applicant:
  • have the right training for this job
  • integrate well into my office
  • keep up with the latest trends
  • have the resources to continue to grow
Learn more!
To learn more about educational requirements, and practical tips for handling emergencies, and proper documentation visit Medical Assistant Net on the Web. There is lots of additional "scope of practice for medical assistants" info at that web site.

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