Hello Medical Assisting professionals and colleagues!
My name is Danni R., I am the founder of Advanced Medical Assistant Custom Web Design, LLC, and the creator and maintainer of a number of top ranking web sites dedicated to the medical assisting, medical coding and billing, and phlebotomy profession.
Not only are my web sites well known and highly respected on the Internet, but two of them are a featured professional resource in the Higher Ed McGraw-Hill Medical Assisting Administrative and Clinical Competencies - 2nd Edition book. I am proud to be able to reach out to thousands and thousands of medical assistant students and professionals to inspire and mobilize them to strive to be the best they can be and to help each other to find and utilize resources for their personal development and professional advancement. To reach out even further, and make my services more interesting and interactive for everybody, I decided to create this Medical Assistant Net Blog Log.
If you are interested in viewing the rest of my work, here are my featured web sites:
1. Advanced Medical Assistant of America
Raises awareness of the medical assistant profession and certification programs and offers online learning resources and an active medical assistant forum: http://www.certmedassistant.com
2. Medical Assistant Net
Career direction and advice for medical assistant students and graduates, online learning resources, and networking opportunities to assist professional growth: http://www.medicalassistant.net
3. Medical Billing and Coding Net
Reference website for medical billing and coding specialists and students offering career and certification advice, learning resources, and networking opportunities between medical billers and coders: http://www.medicalbillingandcoding.net
4. Medical Coding and BillingCareer advice, practice management suggestions, online learning resources, and networking opportunities to improve services medical coders and billers provide to healthcare professionals and providers: http://www.medicalcodingandbilling.com
5. Medical Assistant PharmacologyReview important areas in the study of pharmacology as it applies to situations typically encountered in a medical office or clinic: http://www.mapharm.com
6. MA Exam Help WebsiteEducation resources, test preparation, study notes, and reference material for medical assistants who are preparing for examinations: http://www.maexamhelp.com
7. Medical Assisting CareersExplains related allied health careers that the experienced medical assistant, with additional training and education, may cross train or transition into: http://www.medicalassistingcareers.com
8. Phlebotomy Pages
Informational website for those interested in the art of phlebotomy or phlebotomy as a new career: http://www.phlebotomypages.com
Created by Danni R.
©2005 Advanced Medical Assistant Custom Web Design, LLC. All rights reserved.
I really enjoyed all of the information that was sent to me because right now I am a student that is about to enter into my clinical part of my training and everything that was sent to me was very informative and I just wanted to say thanks and to keep up the good work.
Yours Truly,
Shannon Clay Lacour
A soon to be Registered Medical Assistant
Thanks Danni!!
I have been a C.M.A.,C.P.T. for nearly three years and have been looking for information just like this since receiving my certifications. I am looking to go into billing shortyly and would love to hear feedback on the best way to do so. I look forward to reading all the information posted and will be adding this site to my favorites.
Heather, C.M.A.,C.P.T.
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